Realtor Services

BUYERS BEWARE: Most Realtors will still recommend that buyers obtain such a letter
Prompt Professional WDO Inspections
Discounts To Realtors
We have MLS Lock Box Keys Free Delivery
Metro Atlanta has been named the second worst city in the nation for subterranean termites. Many homeowners coming from northern states are unaware of the tremendous termite pressure that exists in the south. In the past, Realtors have required an Official Georgia Wood Infestation Report which would disclose to a buyer of any home that currently has or has had termites or other wood destroying insects. In addition, this report placed the home under a re-treatment warranty for a period of 90 days. Many changes have transpired in the real estate market over the past several years. In 2007 The Georgia Association of Realtors forms committee decided to remove the requirement for the WDO report, sighting a HUD document that stated that if you did not live in a “termite prone area” that termite inspections were not necessary. After much discussion between the GAR and the Georgia Pest Control Association, the GAR forms committee has agreed to add verbiage back to the purchase and sales agreement for 2011.
This will be in the form of a check off box which requires the buyer to be given a copy of Form F-13; “Protect yourself when buying a home”
North Georgia